Bet on the development of professionals who are already part of the staff, which has incorporated the culture and the way of thinking and acting of the company is essential.
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Adjust the picture of people must be a decision loaded with intelligence
In times of crisis, normally the first measure taken by the companies to cut costs is to reduce the headcount and investments in people. It is clear that reduce expenses and review investments it is necessary most turbulent periods. However, to improve the results and ensure the sustainability of the business over the years, it is crucial that different areas managers pursue this balance at all times and not just when the rope is already in the neck ". Deliberations disrupted and decided in haste may be harmful in the long run.
Adjust the picture of people must be a decision loaded with intelligence, taking into account both the current sales volume as the future scenario of possible resumption. That's because having people prepared and able is not a short-term achievement. In terms of human resources, the application of the principle of ' the right person in the right place at the right time ", can make all the difference, but for that to happen, it takes a period of formation and maturation of this talent.
In the old days, attached to the HR industry just bureaucratic functions in the management of people and labor obligations. More recently, this area has gained more importance in the role it plays within the Organization, through the personnel Department for strategic transformation. Furthermore, most problematic and uncertain scenarios require an HR management much more creative, but aligned with the company's strategic guidelines. Renegotiate benefits values and practices, review processes, redirect and rethink works projects should be part of the agenda of the HR professional. Unable to count on funding for the hiring of partners for training and development actions, the way out is to intensify the search for professionals who can make the role of multipliers, sharing experiences and knowledge that may be useful also for other employees.
Bet on the development of professionals who are already part of the staff, which has incorporated the culture and the way of thinking and acting of the company is essential. Besides the fact shorten paths – after all, absorb technical knowledge is easier than the rough behavioral issues – valuing the "Silver House" is also a chance for employees to grow professionally. For this reason, it is important to identify the skills and help them to improve and be ready for the opportunities that arise. The recipe is simple, if the "gaps" were perceived, they must be minimized so that the objectives are achieved.
Every relationship between company and employee is built gradually, so the admission process until retirement need to think of tools that are able to support the growth of the two sides. Have a solid human resources program and with good internal reputation certainly contributes significantly to an improvement in the working environment. A good alternative to advance in this sense are the corporate universities. If aligned with strategies of organization they are, in my experience, a very lucrative investment. They help identify the skills that need to be developed and guide the actions to be taken in short, medium and long term. In our company, for example, we take care to ensure that the contents are constantly updated, so we guarantee adherence to new actions and future needs. In addition, we always work in the preparation of various actions, both face as the distance, ensuring the training of all. A scholarship program for undergraduate, graduate and languages is also a key differentiator in this process.
Although the modus operandi, the structure and the amount of investment vary case-by-case basis, what doesn't make sense is to stop investing in some way in which certainly will make all the difference in the future. The important thing is not to stop believing that people, through their knowledge and skills, are great competitive differential of organizations.
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