Integrated Management System

Operating in the domestic and international markets in the transformation of copper and other non-ferrous metals into products, services and solutions, Termomecanica is committed to:

  • Identify, manage and prevent risks based on social responsibility;
  • Meet the needs and requirements of customers and stakeholders;
  • Ensure continuous performance improvement for products and processes;
  • Ensure continuous improvement of energy performance by providing resources and information, acquiring and / or developing energy-efficient solutions;
  • Promote safety and health of people involved, preventing injuries and diseases, improving ergonomic conditions and controlling the risks of accidents;
  • Preserve the environment and prevent pollution by controlling residues process generation and atmospheric emissions;
  • Meet the legislation and requirements applicable to the business.
Reception Desk
(+55) 11 4366-9777
(+55) 11 4366-9051
Technical Services
(+55) 11 4366-9762
Termomecanica, one of the major private companies in Brazil, is a leader in the non-ferrous metals (copper and its alloys) processing sector.
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